Custom Mosaic Picture Frames

Got an order and thought I was hacked

Last week I got an email telling me that someone had bought two items from this site and paid me through paypal. The email didn’t look like what I usually receive, so I got suspicious and was afraid to to near my computer. The most logical explanation was that someone had hacked me and if I responded, they would find out my social security, age and weight. But the email mentioned names I’d given to picture frames and that gave me the courage to email the person (aka felon) and ask, “I’d like to speak to you on the phone. Would you please give me your number.” The response gave me a name and number that looked benign (it was in Brooklyn and seemed authentic). 

I called and heard a delightful voice telling me she’d ordered two picture frames for the upcoming Jewish holidays. “I want to give them to my family,” she said.

“Great,” I answered, “but one of them is sold. That’s why I wasn’t sure how you knew about it as it’s no longer on my website.”

“I found you on Simply Simchas,” she explained. I’d received an invitation from “Jewish Week,” where I’d recently had an article for those who had reason to be included on the site which was about celebrations.

I laughed. “I forgot I’d done that.” I then told her I didn’t have one of the frames, but we agreed to get together so she could see what I have on hand. The meeting got complicated as we weren’t free at the same time, but I left two frames with the doorman in our Greenwich Village lobby, urging her to look at them carefully and take them only if she liked them. I returned home to find them gone and get her check. A few hours later, she texted, “I’d like two more. I’m still in your neighborhood. Can I come by and get them?”

We met in the lobby, this time with me holding frames and she selected two. This felt like the closest I’d come to being a drug dealer and I was amused. But I was also pleased that I could come through and provide special gifts for the family members that mean so much to her.