Mel Brooks Gives Hollywood the Finger
Mel Brooks did what so many have wanted to: he gave Hollywood the finger. It was a fake finger the 2,000 Year Old Man added to his left hand to leave a distinctive print in the cement next to the TLC Chinese theatr. He explained it was “just in case somebody from Des Moines, Iowa, says ‘Harry! Harry! Look, Mel Brooks has six fingers on his left hand!'”
At 88, Mel is as funny as ever. So are the two men who accompanied him to the Walk of Fame event. Carl Reiner and Norman Lear, both 92, are still laughing and making others laugh. Our ability to laugh doesn’t wane with age. We don’t need Viagra or Cialis to be ready. Those of us who love a good laugh are always ready. Even if we just finished laughing! We can laugh for four hours without being told to call a doctor. And given our nation’s healthcare system, it’s good not to need a doctor.
The timing of this star coincides with the 40th anniversary of the movie, “Young Frankenstein,” and comes at a time when we are particularly grateful for the longevity of our comedy legends, saddened by the recent losses of Joan Rivers and Robin Williams. Those who make us laugh seem to have a more profound and personal impact than our leading men and women, however glamorous and sexy they may be.
Instead of sex education, schools should think about offering comedy education. Everybody figures out how to have sex, and those who need help can go online or watch the Nature Channel. But not everybody knows what’s funny.
You can see vases done for Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks on my site – in the Celebrity Collection.